Stumble It! MMA at 47: March 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Does it matter how old you are?

I looked at my blog today and realized I need to changed the header. The original header was, "MMA at 43". I started martial arts three years ago. I turn 46 this summer and I'm continuing to learn and train. So does age matter? No, if you really want to do something I believe you can do it! It takes time, patience and hard work.

It's interesting as I reach a new phase in my training I feel like I am starting all over again. When I started I felt so uncoordinated and silly. Learning the techniques seemed so foreign to anything I had ever attempted to learn. This passed as I learned and progressed. Now, as an advanced belt learning advanced techniques I sometimes feel the same way. Sensei Kendall was teaching us the S-kick last week and that feeling of being uncoordinated returned. Again, this past week in our advanced class I was doing other techniques that made me feel equally uncoordinated and silly. However, this time the feeling did not last as long and as I got into the grove of things I began to pick up the concepts quicker.

Soke has always said that earning your black belt is the beginning. As I reach each level I understand that statement more and more.

My training has changed over the last 3 years. I started with doing nothing to just working on the basic techniques, then doing weight training, and lastly extreme cardio. I only worked on each one at a time for a period of time! Now my goal is to combine all of the above. I believe I have finally reached a fitness level where I can combine all of them into one week. It has taken 3 years, some injuries and work juggling family, homeschooling, administration but it's finally beginning to pay off.

I have much to learn before my next belt test and a level of fitness that I want to reach but I've got a plan!

We have a tournament coming up on March 26th. Let me know if you would like to come out and watch. It's free to attend and our demo team is going to be awesome.

Keep training!