Stumble It! MMA at 47: It's all about Posture

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's all about Posture

I've learned a great deal about posture recently. I've had problems with pinched nerves in my shoulders, first my left and then my right, since before the last belt test. So, I finally broke down and went to my chiropractor. He took an x-ray of my neck that shows that it does not curve the way it is suppose to. It is perfectly straight. As a result, I tend to roll my shoulders and head forward. I am now working really hard to remember to stand up straight (just like Mom said) and keep my shoulders back. If you see me in class and I'm not standing up straight, please remind me! I need all the help I can get to prevent this from getting worse.

But, I want to explain what I have learned from this. Have you ever seen a martial artist who has bad posture? Think about it. Visualize all of the martial artists you have seen in our class and in the movies etc. How did their posture look? Great, right? Guess what happens if you have bad posture. You also will have trouble with balance and if you have balance problems it affects everything else! All of your kicks and punches will be off and you will look like a weeble wobble. Posture is key to good balance.

Posture has a profound effect on breathing, if muscles and bones are compressed a certain amount of restriction has to be expected. It also creates neck strain, pinched nerves, arthritis, and can degenerate your disc's.

Are you wondering about your posture? How can you tell if you have good posture? Stand with your back to a wall. If your shoulders, bottom and back of head are all touching the wall, then your posture is correct.

Otherwise, you have some work to do. Here are a few tips:

Good Posture Tips While Sitting

Keep both feet flat on the floor (if your feet cannot reach the floor, adjust the chair or use a footrest)

Align your back with the back of the chair

Don't slouch or lean forward

Adjust the chair so your knees are even with your hips, or slightly higher, and your arms are at a 75-90 degree angle at the elbows

Keep your shoulders straight

Choose an ergonomic office chair with good back support

Get up often and stretch

Good Posture Tips While Standing

Keep your weight on the balls of your feet, not your heels

Let your arms hang naturally by your side

Keep feet about shoulder-width apart

Don't lock your knees

Keep your head level and in line with your neck and spine, not pushed forward

Keep your shoulders upright and stand up straight

An upright posture conveys confidence and self-esteem. What does your posture say about you?


Steven said...

What can I say? You got it.

Anonymous said...

Great comments, Lisa. Good posture is usually a sign of the elite. Lets face it. It is not something that is expected in our culture of “comfortable” furniture, and sometimes low expectations of others and us. Having good posture shows that you care enough to not only focus on the small things, but train on them, as well. Thank you for taking the time to write these tips down. I will be watching in class, to see who is practicing.