Stumble It! MMA at 47: August 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Each belt test is a hugh milestone in martial arts. Earning your way up to black belt is equilivent to being a baby and learning first to hold your head up (white belt), rolling over (yellow belt), sitting up (orange belt), crawling (green belt), walking (blue belt), jumping (red belt), running (blackbelt), and flying - beyond....

(We only have a total of six color belts in Tao Hsieh Wu Shu)

While it only takes about 1.5 years to pass those milestones as a baby, in martial arts it takes many years. After yesterday, I'm at the crawling stage (green belt). Crawling is a good description of all the things that I still have to learn and perfect. Yesterday was a great test but difficult one. I learned many things about myself.

First and foremost, I need to continue to work on my endurance and flexibility. My spinning kicks really need work as does my straight back kick. I didn't whip my arm enough in my ridge hand or knife hand punches nor did I put my shoulder into my hook and upper cut punches. As for cartwheels, let's just say they are not pretty!

However, I did learn without a doubt that if I was ever attacked, I could defend myself. I had felt that I could but yesterday seem to prove to me that I really can. To me, this is the most important thing I could ever learn.

There are many techniques that I'm not great at but need to learn in our system in order to teach others who may do it well. Everyone's syle is different as are their strenghts and weaknesses.

I do feel victorious this morning, even with all the bruises from the test yesterday. Bruises seem to be my mantra these days. But they will fade and I'll still have my green belt and the knowledge that goes with it. How exciting is that?


p.s. Special thanks to my uki yesterday (Rich) for pushing me and not just letting me have it. He made me look good.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When times are tough

To be truthful there are times as I am training that I wonder if I going to be able to continue. For example, tonight both of my wrist hurt, my forearms are bruised, my knees are bruised, my shin and foot is badly bruised, my shoulders hurt etc, etc, etc. I'm wondering if I'm crazy doing this at my age. Is it worth it? Why am I doing this?

This is when I have to sit back and reevaluate my goals. What have I accomplished so far? What do I plan to accomplish? Just where am I going with all of this?

Hmmm, interesting questions. First, let's look at where I've been. Prior to taking martial arts I had never done any sport at all. I never played any ball sport, took gymnastics classes, track or even swimming. I didn't learn to swim until I was 13 and then it was only enough to get from one side of the pool to the other. I was never athletic in any way. The only cool thing I did as a kid was ride a dirt bike.

Now, at the age of 44, I can throw a pretty mean hook punch and roundhouse kick. Grab me unexpectedly and I'm apt to throw you with a hip or leg throw. I think that is pretty cool. If you had told me years ago that I would be practicing a spinning kick I would have asked you, "what is that?". I can also break three boards with a reverse punch. That was amazing! You can see this on youtube at our Tao Hsieh Wu Shu youtube channel.

I also have a great time training with my kids, watching martial art movies with them and dissecting all the fabulous moves. I have also made many wonderful new friends that are now a part of my family.

That leaves me with with, "What do I plan to accomplish"? Hmmm, right now, just to make it through my next belt test. One day, to earn my black belt. Beyond that, who knows. Martial arts is a life long process of learning. Who knows where I'll be in my 50's. I hope to one day be able to teach self-defense to other ladies to help them gain some of the confidence that I have. That would be really cool.

So tonight, I'll put on the ice pack and grin about my martial arts badges of honor, my bruises!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Any shape or size

I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I updated my blog. Life seems to be coming at me at 90mph and I'm moving 30mph!

I am getting ready to test for my green belt that I began training for in Feb. at the end of this month. It has been a long journey that at times has been difficult due to my lower back issues and other physical issues. You will often have injuries as you train and I am no exception.

I’m made some interesting observations over the past few months and I wanted to share one of them with you that has been a revelation to me. I have had the opportunity to meet many different martial artists this year in different martial art systems. The one thing that intrigues me is that martial artists come in all shapes and sizes. I had always had the preconceived idea that to be a martial artist you had to be this perfect athlete and in perfect shape! Yes, most of your competitive martial artists are in phenomenal shape as they train for 2-6 hours per day. As a mom of 5, this simply is not feasible for me. Nor is it feasible for many of the black belts that I have met. The one thing we all have in common is a passion and love for the sport.

A martial artist doesn’t have to be in perfect shape. It is easier if you are young and in shape or even older but athletic. I guess my point is that you don’t have to be in perfect shape to learn martial arts. You can be any shape, any size or any age to learn. It may take you longer, may be a little harder but it can be learned. I have seen people much larger in weight than I am throw a kick that was techniquely beautiful! It’s not about the weight, it’s about fitness and fitness can be gained no matter what your weight is.

I write this as I am struggling still to lose the weight due to going through menopause (yes I’m an early bird), but knowing that I can do this and I am in better physical shape. Strength training has helped me a great deal as I need stronger muscles to be able to do what I want to do with my extra weight! I still have a ways to go with my technique but I have figured out how to throw the power of my weight into my kicks and punches.

If you enjoy watching martial art movies and have ever had the thought, “I wish I could do that”, try. You will be amazed at what you can do no matter what your size, weight or athletic ability. I’m a perfect example of being able to do it. My kicks are not as pretty as my beautiful girls, but I remind myself that age and wisdom comes into play!