Stumble It! MMA at 47: Perfectionist

Monday, August 18, 2008


One of the most difficult things for me in martial arts is my own perfectionism. As I am preparing for my orange belt test I struggle in feeling ready because I feel have not absolutely perfected all the the techniques. Can I do them? yes. Are they perfect? no.

Where do you draw the line? What determines that your ready to move to the next belt? Those are questions that loom in the back of my mind as I prepare to test.

I really want to move forward to that I can continue learning. However, I can still see areas that need improvement. I don't have the flexibility that I really want. My cardio isn't quite there yet and as I mentioned in a previous post, ukemi is really hard for me. As well as, my kicks could be so much better!

My kids are telling me to go for it. My husband went through all of the techniques with me tonight and said I was doing well. But the perfectionist in me says, "are you sure?"

I'm not sure that I'll ever conquer the perfectionist in me so I'm going to go for it. I really want to be in the intermediate classes. They are learning such cool stuff and I can't wait to try it.

It was fascinating watching my kids tonight working through scenarios of a bully or attacker coming at them and how they would handle it. I was in awe watching them throw leg sweeps, kicks and punches. Truthfuly, I'll never worry about my 10 year old daughter again. She kicked butt against adults twice her size!

I can't ever imagine being as good as my kids but I'm sure gonna try!

Mom to 5


katie said...

From one perfectionist to another, I hear you. Even Joel would say he didn't feel he was perfect when he performed his Master test. I can't wait to have you in the upper belt classes.

Clint said...

Balance. Balance your perfectionism with osss... Then your perfectionistic tendancies will help you.

Beth Thompson said...

Just remember that if perfection is your goal, you are setting yourself up to fail every time. Shoot for excellence -- and then practice, practice, practice.

Mamasita said...

Look at what all you have accomplished so far, and in such a short amount of time - you will do great, I'm sure of it.

You are such a neat person, I'm glad I got to know you better while we were rafting.

How are you liking the blog thingy?

I need to hurry and get another post up so my whiney post isn't at the top. :-)


Momt5 said...

Thanks guys,
As the test is creeping up I'm feeling better and more nervous at the same time.

Blogging is an interesting feeling knowing so many are reading your thoughts! I'm typically very private so this has been interesting. Unless I'm around a group of fun people then I tend to open up more. aka - rafting!lol